I usually don't know how to judge things. When people say that they loved a movie or they just read a fabulous book, I often wonder what criteria they used for the judging process. I think that reaction comes straight from the heart for most people and they really don't have to think about it. I wish I could be in their position. I am a rational fool and it sucks. I tend to go into the details too much. For example, after watching a movie I tend to analyze the plot, the script, the acting and countless other things before actually forming an opinion on it. Why can't I be subtle, spontaneous and just let out how I FEEL?
I finished reading "The Catcher in The Rye" late last night. After I got done, I felt exactly the same way I felt after watching Spiderman 3. I had no problem getting through either of the two. I felt time passed really fast and I was genuinely interested on each of them throughout their progress. This must mean that I loved the movie and the book.
Wait! I just realized that I am being more rational. Did I just try to figure out what subtleness and spontaneity is using my rational brain? The whole purpose of this post is defeated. Somebody shoot me!
I have been too damn busy the past week or so. After getting done with finals I was hoping that I would have tons of spare time to have fun but it hasn't been the case. Things that have tied me up:
Cleaning Checks: I know for sure that a Cleaning Check is the most torturous punishment ever created for a college student. It needs to stop NOW. Why has no one ever revolted to wipe it out from colleges? I was lucky not to get the kitchen this time. I still remember how they mercilessly failed me for the kitchen last time. I had to clean the bathroom and the bedroom this time so it wasn't as bad as the last time.
We made a short trip to WalMart to get the stuff we needed. Man, that All-purpose psycho cleaner thing is amazing. After wiping out the ceiling, and the walls with the All-purpose cleaner I scrubbed and scrubbed and scrubbed the sink until it looked brand new. Then I worked on the toilet bowl for some time, mopped the floor, and viola! The bathroom was brand new. The bedroom part was really easy, I got my friend to do it.
Moving: Moving is another pain in the butt. I did not even want to move for just 2 months but those stupid apartment people made me do it. They already sold the contract for the place I was staying at to somebody else so I had to move. I was mad but I could do nothing. It was stupid of me to not go sign the contract earlier. The best thing though was that I got to move to an apartment in the same floor. I haven't bothered to put things in place yet because I am only here for a couple of months. It is a mess right now. I may or may not fix it.
Classes: Spring Classes started on Tuesday and I already have a lot of homework to do. Spring goes by really fast because they try to pack a semester worth of work in two months. This means we have longer classes, more homework each week, and exams almost every other week. On top of that I am taking 9 credits which is equivalent to 18 for a semester so I am really screwed. I have 3 papers due on Monday. Thankfully, I already did two of those at work. Ha!
Playoffs: How can I not make time for the playoffs? The Jazz-Houston series has been tight and the Mavs-Warriors series has been simply superb. There is no way I am going to miss any of it.
Anyway, things are looking up. Two of the classes I am taking, Strategic Management and Managerial Economics, are very interesting. We actually play an online simulation game on the Strategic Management class. Each one of us gets to run a business and compete with our fellow class members in a highly competitive industry. We need to implement strategies for just about everything - Production, Marketing, Sales, Human Resource, Tax etc. They grade us on a lot of stuff like profit, ROA, ROE etc., so we need to be able to implement a perfect strategy to win. I think I am going to kick ass in this game.