Monday, May 14, 2007

Evaluating Stuff

I usually don't know how to judge things. When people say that they loved a movie or they just read a fabulous book, I often wonder what criteria they used for the judging process. I think that reaction comes straight from the heart for most people and they really don't have to think about it. I wish I could be in their position. I am a rational fool and it sucks. I tend to go into the details too much. For example, after watching a movie I tend to analyze the plot, the script, the acting and countless other things before actually forming an opinion on it. Why can't I be subtle, spontaneous and just let out how I FEEL?

I finished reading "The Catcher in The Rye" late last night. After I got done, I felt exactly the same way I felt after watching Spiderman 3. I had no problem getting through either of the two. I felt time passed really fast and I was genuinely interested on each of them throughout their progress. This must mean that I loved the movie and the book.

Wait! I just realized that I am being more rational. Did I just try to figure out what subtleness and spontaneity is using my rational brain? The whole purpose of this post is defeated. Somebody shoot me!


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7/27/07, 11:01 PM  

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