Friday, April 20, 2007

At a better place

I got the news via a text message from my brother Tuesday. My grandmother on my mother’s side passed away at 10:30 pm NST on Monday. The news wasn’t exactly a surprise because I knew she had been struggling to hold on for the past couple of weeks. Still, loosing somebody on your family is pretty hard. My mother, my aunts, and all my uncles had gone to the village last week to be with her on her final moments. I am glad that they are all there. But it’s kind of sad that I couldn’t see her one final time.

The last time I saw my grandmother was a week before I came here. That was three years ago. Even back then I only saw her couple of times a year, usually during Dashain and winter vacations. So I cannot really say that I have spent a lot of time with her, except when I was a kid. I used to spend my entire two month vacations at the village. Most of the fond memories I have of her come from that time since I spent a lot of time with her.

After I heard the news, I have had countless flashbacks of the times that I spent with her. I guess it is normal to be having these flashbacks. I am very bad at describing memories so I won’t even try. One thing is for sure though; you realize how much you miss someone after you lose them.

It kind of bugs me that I couldn’t see her one last time before she passed away. That reminds me, I need to go home sometime soon. I have three other old grand parents whom I may never see if I don’t.


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