I need some sleep. I woke up early this morning to prepare for the Oral exam that I had today. After cramming a lot of junk in my head I headed towards the business school very nervous and under prepared.
Needless to say, I got slammed!
Can you believe that they had us study stuff from the past two semesters for this oral exam thing? I started out ok in every topic but the follow ups just killed me. Whatever Dr. J was looking for when he asked those follow ups, he sure didn’t get the right answer. Instead, he got a lot of umms, uhhs and ahhs. And I am sure that I wasn’t the only one pulling those theatrics. I bet everybody had a hard time during these exams. I sort of recovered towards the end, but not really.
“You did aite.” He said in his Brooklyn accent when we were finished. I could totally see the sarcasm.
I felt good when I got signed up with Dr. J in the morning. At that point I was just relieved that it was Dr. J and not Dr. C taking my exam. Dr. C is an absolute nightmare. The horror of him grilling our group in the group presentation still haunts me (sometimes). I guess I should not feel too bad. It could have been worse with Dr. C.
I hope that I at least get the two points for professionalism. I did dress up in business casual like they suggested.
Update: I got 23/30 which is not good, but still not as bad considering how things went
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